All in Caitlin Dean


You have a patient (not a pregnant women) who is being sick, perhaps post-operatively or due to chemotherapy or an acute condition like appendicitis, viral meningitis or so on. You suspect they may be getting dehydrated and are deciding if you should give them IV fluids. What criteria would you use to assess for dehydration?

My First Vlog!!

I worked with a team of media experts to further develop my media skills including my interview technique. It was a great day and allowed me to consolidate the journalism training i did about 5 years ago.

Hyperemesis Ireland

It’s taken over a year to actually sort out a meeting but it’s finally happened… on Wednesday I flew to Ireland for the first meeting of a group of people who are soon to be the Trustees for Hyperemesis Ireland, a charity to support women and families affected by hyperemesis gravidarum in the Republic of Ireland.

Talking pants with Carol Smillie

When I was pregnant I wet myself almost every time I spewed up, which was A LOT... there I've said it, on the internet for all to see. And quite frankly, after pushing three kids out of my vagina, my day to day continence isn't what it once was regardless of the hyperemesis. So, imagine my delight when I saw Carol Smillie's pants last year... they are made for women like me. But over to Carol the Knicker Queen to tell you about her own run in with pregnancy sickness and her fabulous undies for leaky ladies... 

Welcome Green Top Guidelines

In a sea of puke, pain and suffering comes a beacon of hope for women with Hyperemesis Gravidarum. The launch of the first ever Green Top Guidelines by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists is here today. These guidelines will provide a comprehensive and evidence based treatment plan for women who present with pregnancy sickness which is worse than the regular old morning version. 

The Death of Ginger!

The results from the ginger survey I did at the start of the year have no been published in a peer reviewed midwifery journal for all to see. This means that whenever a healthcare professional looks up treatment for hyperemesis or does a literature review to see what treatments do and don’t have evidence for being safe and effective this piece of research will appear and blows the nonsense “ginger might help” papers out of the water. Yes it has flaws, it was an online survey of self selected participants and covered a long time period (in research terms). But it was over 500 participants who had all been admitted to hospital for HG and the results were close to unanimous… STOP SUGGESTING GINGER FOR HYPEREMESIS GRAVIDARUM

Christmas, Keep it in perspective!

Christmas is a particularly tough time of year for women suffering hyperemesis gravidarum, especially if they already have little children. Guilt can be increased almost exponentially as visions of happy memories being created for Christmas craft activities with kiddies and songs around the Christmas tree are replaced with the grim reality of vomit bowls, consent nausea, pissy pants and general misery.

8 Myths of Hyperemesis Gravidarum

Pregnancy is a strange phase of life… it seems that as soon as you get that little blue line everyone and his dog has nonsense advice and ludicrous old wives tales about the condition you’re in… from whether your bump “looks like” a boy or a girl to advice about not raising your arms above your head or the cord will wrap around the babies neck…

What more do you want?

Last weekend I was at the Britmums conference and I attended a seminar entitled “Shouting Back: Women’s voices loud, proud & online”. In it we heard how easy it is [for celebrities like Katy Hill] to “make a difference” just by tweeting occasionally. At the end I had the opportunity to ask a question of the esteemed panel and I so I explained what I do and asked if they had any tips about keeping motivated for those of us trying to raise awareness day in and day out online  when it feels like our voices are just lost. I was helpfully informed by the aforementioned celeb that what I ought to do to raise awareness about hyperemesis gravidarum is “write a blog post about your experience of the condition and how it’s the thing Kate Middleton suffered with…. And then, like… tweet it!”, Easy!!!