About me

The Dean Family: Rob, Caitlin, Alfie, Patrick & Orla.

The Dean Family: Rob, Caitlin, Alfie, Patrick & Orla.

Hi! My name is Caitlin Dean, aka the Spewing Mummy.

I'm 33 and a registered general nurse. I live in Cornwall, UK with my husband, our three children and 2 dogs. I am the chairperson of Pregnancy Sickness Support.

I spewed a LOT to get my three kids here... to produce the first two alone I spewed over 2,000 times! In short I had Hyperemesis Gravidarum (extreme vomiting in pregnancy).

I'm extraordinarily passionate about raising awareness of hyperemesis gravidarum and improving care and treatment for women with HG. Recently I've become a bit of a figure head for the cause having worked my socks off to establish a national support network for sufferers and my role as Chairperson for PSS means I am a spokesperson for hyperemesis generally. I also aim to dispel myths about pregnancy sickness and to be honest, pregnancy generally. I'm passionate about science and abhor the pseudo science nonsense which seems to dictate how women should reproduce.

Spearheading the Hyperemesis Improvement Movement my aim is for care and treatment to be gold standard and evidence based by the time our daughters are suffering. Through research, education, writing and media engagement I hope to make people understand the experience of sufferers before, during and after a hyperemesis gravidarum complicated pregnancy.

I work closely with a number of healthcare organisations and NHS Trusts to improve care in their area and educate their staff and have recently been appointed as a specialist advisor on hyperemesis gravidarum to the Care Quality Commission.

My book Hyperemesis Gravidarum - The Definitive Guide, co-authored with Amanda Shortman, Volunteer Co-ordinator for Pregnancy Sickness Support, is out now and available as e-book or paperback.

Media and Press

Interviews have included ITV's This Morning program BBC Breakfast News, Channel 5 News and various radio stations and news papers. I'm PR friendly so please use the contact form to get in touch. I can also provide articles about hyperemesis gravidarum for both medical or mainstream publications. Click here for my 2014 article for Midwifery Journal MIDIRS and click here for my 2014 article for British Journal of Midwifery.

I'm always happy to give interviews and quotes so please get in touch.
You can follow me on twitter @spewingmummy
On Facebook www.facebook.com/spewingmummy
And you can follow me on Instagram too https://www.instagram.com/spewingmummy

After 3 rounds of hyperemesis gravidarum in the last 6 years my husband and I got itchy feet for travel and adventure, we have just returned to the UK from 6 months travelling back and forth across North America with our children. If you are interested in our adventure you can follow my other blog www.adventuresofmumadean.com

PS. I'm proud to be dyslexic but please excuse my typos.