Spewing Mummy Books

Suffering hyperemesis gravidarum can be such a lonely and terrifying experience. It is my hope with these books that women will know that they are not alone and there there is help and support available. My approach is proactive and positive and I hope that shines through in my books...

Hyperemesis Gravidarum - The Definitive Guide

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For the last year I have been working with my friend and colleague Amanda Shortman to write a great big book all about hyperemesis gravidarum. It's now finished and ready for you to buy via mainstream online retailers. 

It was launched for pre-order on 1st October and by the following morning had reached #3 on Amazon's best seller list for Pregnancy and Childbirth.

Covering everything from treatment options to coping strategies, the emotional impact to planning another baby, this book is filled to the brim with information based on the latest research and the personal experiences of thousands of survivors. Proactive and inspiring, it is the definitive guide to hyperemesis gravidarum for sufferers, their partners and the healthcare professionals caring for them. The four part book, comprising 14 chapters, is devised to make the information you need as accessible as possible.

Part one covers definitions of hyperemesis gravidarum, theories into it's causes, information on treatments and management plans. Aimed more at the healthcare professionals it covers in depth the current research and care plans yet is accessible and essential for the sufferer too.

Part two is the essential survival guide for sufferers, their partners and family and friends. Covering coping strategies for the numerous symptoms of hyperemesis gravidarum, from excessive saliva and oral hygiene to the emotional impact and people who just “don't get it”, this section won't cure you but it will make the nightmare nine months that little bit easier.

Part three approaches life after hyperemesis gravidarum including recovering from the trauma, mental health issues and preparing for another. Alternatives to pregnancy, such as adoption and single child family structures are gently discussed and the book is rounded up with a positive pro-active approach to coping with hyperemesis as part of your life experience.

Part four provides a range of useful information, links, contacts, tables and charts to help you survive your journey with HG. 

Buy The Book

You can now order the book in all major high street book shops and online retailers. 

If you prefer to buy through Amazon then here are the Amazon links for the UK;

Charts, Tables and Care Plans From the Book

If you've read the book and are looking for the accompanying downloads, such as the cheat sheet, treatment ladder and fluid balance chart then click here.

Independent publishing

Despite discussions with agents and publishers both here and in America we decided to go down the independent publishing route for two main reasons. Firstly and most importantly was control over content. We both feel that unless the editor happened to have been a sufferer themselves they were highly unlikely to understand the importance of much of the book's content, particularly the emotional aspects of hyperemesis support and care. We didn't want, what we consider to be, the most important aspects of the book to be stripped out or toned down by an editor who has never suffered. Secondly, there is a pretty niche market for hyperemesis gravidarum literature as it's not a hugely common condition, so quite frankly, we'll make more money, much of which will be ploughed back into the HG charities, by publishing independently! 

Hyperemesis gravidarum is not a "popular" condition to donate money to and the two main international charities, Pregnancy Sickness Support and The Hyperemesis Education and Research Foundation both struggle to get the funds to continue their crucial work. Both the authors currently provide significant financial and practical support not just the UK charity but the Hyperemesis Improvement Movement happening around the world – We need to make that more sustainable. If we published through a traditional publishing house it would be years before we saw a penny for our work, if ever. This way a significant proportion of every book sale will come straight back to the authors (as long as you buy from us) and therefore further the work of the International Hyperemesis Improvement Movement by funding their work. Not only will a minimum of 10% of the profit from the book go direct to hyperemesis charities but the remainder will allow the authors to continue dedicating so much time and energy to raising awareness and supporting women.

© 2018 Spewing Mummy, all rights reserved.

Other books and information:

How to be an HG Hero    The Charts