Based in Cornwall, UK, Spewing Mummy is a blog by
Caitlin Dean.
Her posts explore the trials and tribulations of suffering with  Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) 
aka Extreme Pregnancy Sickness.

What are your burning questions?

What are your burning questions?

Good research starts with a good question. Researching questions which are not helpful or relevant to either patients or medical staff providing treatment is a massive waste of resources! But how can we find out what the most pressing questions for research are?

We ask the people who matter!

This project, which is forming part of my PhD, is doing exactly that. We are hoping to set the research agenda for hyperemesis gravidarum for the coming years and encourage funders to support research which will make a real world difference to HG sufferers.

Questions can be about any aspect of HG care, treatment, cause, prognosis, complications, consequences, education and so on. And we want to hear from as many women, partners, adult offspring and healthcare professionals as possible!

Click here for more info and to take part

Ondansetron and the EMA

Ondansetron and the EMA

Lets discuss ondansetron

Lets discuss ondansetron